Kuma Nature Reserve

Images ©:
© Rainer Rehwinkel
Area Data 

A scenic and large reserve that conserves a large sample of the Monaro grassland landscape.  There are patches of high floral diversity, especially in the steeper rocky parts of the reserve.  The site conserves three of the regions threatened reptiles, and is habitat for a number of other grassland reptiles, birds, mammals and invertebrates.


Monaro Highway, 5.3 south of Cooma


24 hour access from southern gate and style off Old Dangelong Road, which runs off the Monaro Highway to the east.


No facilities.  A style enables access from the car-parking area on Old Dangelong Road.

182 ha.
NSW Government
NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Parks and Wildlife Division, Queanbeyan Area

Ranger, NPWS Snowy River Area Office, PO Box 2228, Jindabyne, NSW, 2627; Phone:  02 64505 555. 
Contact hours: 9am-12.30pm Monday to Friday. Website: http://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/visit-a-park/parks/Kuma-Nature-Reserve


Gazetted in 2003, this reserve is the largest area of natural grassland conserved within the NSW Southern Tablelands. The site was identified during assessment work for fauna and flora for construction of a gas pipleine. It was established as an offset area for another, unrelated development, and when the pipeine, was constructed, it was diverted away from the reserve. Prior to gazettal, the reserve had been used for sheep grazing.


A large and diverse site with the nationally listed endangered ecological community, Natural Temperate Grassland of the South Eastern Highlands. The site conserves habitat of three threatened reptile species, the Endangered (Commonwealth & NSW) Grassland Earless Dragon, and Vulnerable (Commonwealth and NSW) Striped Legless Lizard, and the Vulnerable (NSW) Little Whip Snake. Threatened flora are also present: Hoary Sunray (Leucochrysum albicans) and Silky swainson-pea (Swainsona sericea). Other significant and regionally declining flora species occur.

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What to look for 

Spring and summer wildflowers in diverse rocky sections of the reserve, high scenic values with views towards the Kosciuzcko Main range to the west and fauna including grassland and woodland mammals and birds.

Management activities and priorities 

Ongoing management activities include: weed control (significant grassland weeds such as African Lovegrass and St John's Wort); ongoing reptile monitoring.

Local Requests 

Dog walking and vehicle access are not permitted in the reserve. Please do not handle the monitoring equipment and do not turn rocks in search of threatened reptiles as this has a very deleterious effect on the species.

Fauna Species 

An incomplete list of native species recorded includes: Australian Magpie, Australasian Pipit, Australian Raven, Eastern Copperhead, Flame Robin, Grassland Earless Dragon, Little Whip Snake, Striped Legless Lizard and Stubble Quail.