Variable Glycine

Images ©:

Colleen Miller | Colleen Miller | Colleen Miller

Glycine tabacina

A low spreading plant with long, slender stems, usually creeping or trailing up to 1.5 m. Leaves consist of three clover-like pale green leaflets. Clusters of 4-12 blue to purple pea-like flowers.

Flora Type
Scramblers, twiners
Distinctive Features

Leaves consist of three clover-like leafletswith the end leaflet larger than the two side leaflets. Leaf has a distinct vein at an acute angle to the mid-vein.


The stems grow from a woody, thick root-stock on heavy soils in woodlands. Rhizobium bacteria live in this legume's root nodules and allow the plant to fix nitrogen from the air. Threatened in South Australia.

Native Status
Flowering Time
