

Breeding season is most commonly spring through to early summer although it is dependent on rainfall. These birds nest on the ground under tussock grasses. Outside the breeding season they tend to form small groups. In the breeding season they form monogamous pairs. Clutch size is between 7 and 14 eggs. Incubation is for 18-21 days. Both sexes guard and care for the young until they are about 6 weeks old.


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Breeding season: August to May. Clutch size is seven to ten. Nest is a scrape on the ground, lined with grass, hidden in thick grasses under overhanging vegetation, not far from water. Both sexes incubate eggs. Young leave the nest straight after they hatch. Quails rarely fly, preferring to hide unless an intruder flushes them; then they fly low to the ground, with a rapid whirring flight.


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