Slender Saltwort
Salsola tragus subsp. tragus
Spreading, erect to rounded, succulent annual, herb, 0.4-0.6 m high. A little bristly on leaf edges and stems. Leaves alternate and numerous, 5-40mm long, 0.5-6 mm wide, succulent, round to triangular in cross-section, and spine-tipped. Flowers tiny, greenish, without stalk, single in joins between leaf and stem. Fruiting perianth has fan-shaped wings 3-5 mm wide.
Details | |
Flora Type | Chenopods |
Former Scientific Name | Salsola kali |
Other Common Names | Prickly saltwort |
Distinctive Features | Prickly rounded herb to 0.6 m. |
Biology | Perennial. Introduced from Europe. Widespread in slightly saline areas. |
Native Status | Native |
Flowering Time | May- Oct |