Wiry Buttons

Images ©:
©Chris Clarke CC2.5, Chris Clarke CC2.5, Russel Best CC2.5

Leptorhynchos tenuifolius

Wiry perennial herb 10-40 cm high with much branched wiry stems with cottony hairs at the base and at the leaf joints. Sparse dark green linear leaves all the way up the stem to 4 cm long, with longer leaves at the base and leafless near the flowerhead. Leaf margins are rolled under (revolute). Undersurface of the leaves is cottony. Single small yellow button flowes 5 cm in width.

Flora Type
Distinctive Features

Flowering stem leafless in upper portion. Widespread but prefers wetter conditions than Scaly Buttons.


Perennial. Open grassland and woodland on heavier soils that are often seasonally flooded.

Native Status
Flowering Time
