Red-anthered Wallaby-grass
Joycea pallida
Robust spreading tussock to 50 cm with fine rough inrolled bluish leaves. Flowerheads in loose slender clusters of 3-6 flowers.
Details | |
Flora Type | Grasses |
Former Scientific Name | Rytidosperma pallidum, Danthonia pallida, Chinochloa pallida |
Other Common Names | Silvertop |
Distinctive Features | Purplish seeds with distinctive red anthers. |
Biology | Perennial on well-drained dry soils in grasslands, woodlands and forest habitats. Tolerates poor low-nutrient soils. Does not appear to be susceptible to the root-rot cinnamon fungus Phytophthora cinnamomi. |
Native Status | Native |
Flowering Time | Sep-Feb |