Silky Blue-grass
Dichanthium sericeum
Beautiful tufted erect perennial grass to 80 cm high with blue foliage. Hairless leaves to 15 cm long and 4 mm wide, often with a purplish tinge. Stem nodes or leaf collar (ligule) is a ring of erect, white hairs.
Details | |
Flora Type | Grasses |
Other Common Names | Queensland Blue-grass |
Distinctive Features | Clumps of large showy seedheads in clumps of 2-6 thin fingers covered in silky white hairs. Blue-green leaf colour is distinctive. |
Biology | Perennial. Prefers open ground on well drained heavy clay soils. Palatable to stock and easily eliminated under grazing. Warm-season perennial. |
Native Status | Native |
Flowering Time | Most of the year. |