Swamp Stonecrop
Crassula helmsii
Perennial aquatic or semi-aquatic herb, branches spreading and rarely to 30cm long, rooting at nodes. Leaves succulent, flat above and convex below, 3-18 mm long, 0.4-3 mm wide. Solitary flowers on stalks from where leaves join stems, white-red petalsÕaround white, pale green or red centres.
Details | |
Flora Type | Herbs |
Other Common Names | Swamp Crassula |
Distinctive Features | Aquatic spreading succulent herb with small white, pale green of red flowers. |
Biology | Perennial. Varies in form from mass-like habit to floating branches with much larger leaves. River banks, lakes swamps. Can tolerate high salt levels. Very drought-tolerant. |
Native Status | Native |
Flowering Time | Aug-Nov |