Grey Teal
Anas gracilis
Details | |
Type | Bird |
Group | |
Biology | Breeds swiftly after substantial rain at any time of the year. Otherwise the breeding season is from July to November in south-west and south-east Australia. Female builds nest, usually in hollow logs, on the ground or in rabbit holes. Between 6 and 12 eggs are laid. Female incubates and cares for young. Incubation period is between 24 and 26 days. |
Distinctive Markings | Off-white from lower face to neck. Green-black speculum. |
Grey Teal may crossbreed in the wild with Pacific Black Duck and Chestnut Teal.
Interesting Facts | |
Diet | Omnivore. Dry land plants, aquatic plants, seeds, crustaceans, insects and their larvae. |
Habitat | Sheltered watered areas including fresh, brackish and salt water. Tend to favour timbered pools and river systems of inland areas. |
Native Status | Native to Australia |