Eastern Grey Kangaroo

Images ©:

Eastern Grey Kangaroo - David Tait | Eastern Grey Kangaroo - The State of Victoria, Department of Environment and Primary Industries/McCann | Eastern Grey Kangaroo - Bob Winters | Eastern Grey Kangaroo - Bob Winters | Eastern Grey Kangaroo - Bob Winters

Macropus giganteus

Body fur grey-brown with pale grey underneath. Tail often black at the tip. Body up to 1.3 m, tail up to 1.1 m.

Other Common Names
Great Grey Kangaroo

Active mostly from dusk to dawn, in small or large groups (mobs). Shelters under trees or shrubs. Can breed at any time of the year but mostly in summer. Gestation takes about 36 days. The joey leaves the pouch at about 11 months of age but suckles from the mother until about 18 months old, and by then another young may be in the pouch. Kangaroos can co-exist with sheep and cattle (except for times of drought or overstocking) as they prefer different plant foods.

Distinctive Markings

Grey-brown fur, pale grey underneath.