Red-leg Grass
Bothriochloa macra
Low, sprawling sparse tussock. Slender reddish flowering stems to 1 m tall, giving it the common name Red-leg Grass. Leaves sparsely hairy, green with maroon at the tips and margins during the warmer months.
Details | |
Flora Type | Grasses |
Distinctive Features | Dark reddish-purple flower stems and seed heads. Awns (bristles on seeds) up to 20 mm long, twice bent, terminal, brown. |
Biology | Perennial with a lifespan of 5-25 years. Grassland and grassy woodland. Very drought-tolerant and can resprout after fire. Can become the dominant species in native pasture heavily grazed by stock. Often found with Kangaroo Grass Themeda triandra in lightly grazed grasslands. |
Native Status | Native |
Flowering Time | Dec-Apr but flowers all year |