Desert Spear-grass
Austrostipa eremophila
Perennial tufted grass with branched flower stems to 90 cm. Stem joints (nodes) have dense silky hairs. Tightly inrolled leaves to 30 cm long. Stiff erect leaf-collar (ligule) to 2 mm. Seedhead a slender dense cluster to 30 cm in size.
Details | |
Flora Type | Grasses |
Former Scientific Name | Stipa eremophila |
Distinctive Features | Seeds purplish maturing to a deep golden brown and covered in short golden hairs, with a sturdy bristle or awn 5-10 cm long, kinked twice. |
Biology | Perennial. Deep sandy soils, often in association with mallee and semi-arid regions. Preferential grazing of other grasses can lead to flowering and seeding of Spear-grass and their long awns (bristles) can work their way into the skin, mouths and eyes of stock, and contaminate wool. |
Native Status | Native |
Flowering Time | Sep-Nov |