Dusky Moorhen
Gallinula tenebrosa
Details | |
Type | Bird |
Group | |
Biology | Breeds August-March. A bulky shallow nest is built in rushes or reeds or on floating platforms in open water. May also nest in branches or stumps of waterside trees. In the breeding season, breeding groups of up to 7 birds form. All members of the group assist with incubation of the eggs and feeding the young. |
Distinctive Markings | Yellow-tipped scarlet bill. |
Taxonomy | |
Phylum | Chordata |
Class | Aves |
Order | Gruiformes |
Family | Rallidae |
Genus | Gallinula |
Species | tenebrosa |
Dusky Moorhens flick their tails while feeding revealing a white undertail.
Interesting Facts | |
Diet | Omnivore, feeds in the water and on land. Eats algae, water plants, grasses, invertebrates including molluscs, fruits and seeds. |
Habitat | Well-vegetated wetlands, lakes, parks, dams, rivers with grassy margins, trees or introduced willows. |
Native Status | Native to Australia |